Release Form
We (I) request that you accept the registration for enrollment of our (my) son/ daughter in the 2023 Monarch Golf Camp. We (I) hereby release the Denison-Schleswig Community Schools, Majestic Hills Golf Course, and the Monarch Golf Camp Staff from any claim due to any injuries my son/daughter incurs while attending or traveling to or from the 2022 Monarch Golf Camp. We (I) also certify that my son/daughter is medically fit to participate in the 2022 Monarch Golf Camp.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please fill out reverse side for application
Questions: Call or Email
John Heiden @ 712-269-8429
$50.00 – Camp Only
$60.00 – Camp and summer tournaments (boys and girls)
- Make checks payable to: Denison Community School
- Limited to the first 40 golfers signed up and paid
Included in Camp
- 4 days of golf instruction and tournament play
- Boys and Girls Jr. tournaments
- Camp t-shirt
- Prizes awarded to all participants
- Week ending awards/lunch
Equipment Needed:
- Golf or Tennis Shoes
- Golf bag with no more than 14 clubs
- General knowledge of the game
2023 Monarch Golf Camp
Monday June 5th thru Thursday June 8th
8:00am – 10:00am Daily
Thursday 8:00am – 11:30am
Boys & Girls Welcome
Grades 2nd – 8th Grades
Limited Enrollment
- Camp is limited to the first 40 golfers who are registered and paid
- Registration ends May 26th or when camp is full
Camp Break-Down
*Daily schedule subject to change
Monday, Tuesday – Station work to include: Driving, chipping, pitching, putting, rules & etiquette, hazard play
Wednesday – Contests: Drive, chip, pitch, putt
Thursday ( – Mini tournament, Lunch and Awards
Equipment Needed:
- Golf or Tennis Shoes
- Golf bag with no more than 14 clubs
- General knowledge of the game
- Coaches and club member volunteers
- Former and current members of high school golf programs
- 5:1 camper instructor ratio
Majestic Hills Golf Course
Donna Reed Road
Junior Tournaments
Thursday, June 8th Atlantic
Monday, June 12th Avoca.
Thursday, June 15th Anita.
Monday, June 19th Denison
Thursday June 22rd Harlan
**Departure Times – Usually around 7:15am **Return Times – Usually before 1:30-2:00pm
**Participants – All boys and girls participating in the Monarch Golf Camp can go to any or all of the tournaments
** Lunch – All participants and scorekeepers will be provided lunch following the tournament. Lunch is FREE!!! You may want to send a small amount of money with your child to purchase a cold drink before or during play.
**Transportation – We NEED parents/grandparents to drive to one or more of the tournaments. We would like to take all golfers who want to go, so please plan to sign up and go. It is a lot of fun and great for the kids. There will be a sign-up sheet at camp.
**Scorekeepers – Drivers may be asked to keep score at tournaments out of town and we will ask for volunteers at the Denison Tournament as well. You will enjoy the smiles you get from these young people!
**Age Divisions –6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13,14-15 Trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division
**Rules – Will be adapted for each age division (# of holes, hole length, max strokes, etc.) and will be forthcoming – playing during the golf camp will prepare golfers for tournament play and etiquette
Monarch Golf Camp
Registration Form
- Make Checks payable to: Denison Community Schools
- Detach and mail registration to:
John Heiden, Camp Director 2730 Fair Lane Denison, IA 51442
Camp Registration
Name: __________________________________
Home Phone________________________
Cell #_____________________________
Student Age ____ Grade _____
(Age and grade completed spring 2023)
Please check one of the following:
_______$60.00 – Camp and Junior Tournament
_______$50.00 – Camp
T-shirt Size (circle size)
Adults: Medium Large XL
Youths: Small Medium Large XL (adult S)